47 Quotes & Sayings By Darren Shan

Darren Shan was born in Liverpool, England. He is the author of several highly successful books including the New York Times bestseller The Saga of Darren Shan, a series of books about a half-vampire/half-human called "wereleopards". Darren's first book became a runaway success and has been translated into more than thirty-five languages. He lives in England with his wife and children.

You can't hang around waiting for somebody else to pull your strings. Destiny's what you make of it. You have to face whatever life throws at you. And if it throws more than you'd like, more than you think you can handle? Well then you just have to find the heroism within yourself and play out the hand you've been dealt. The universe never sets a challenge that can't be met. You just need to believe in yourself in order to find the strength to face it. Darren Shan
You thought I was a werewolf?
You thought I was a werewolf?" Dervish asks." Yes" I answer hollowly." You ass. Darren Shan
There's something different about you, " he says." I've started styling my hair differently, " I laugh." Oh. I thought it was that you were three feet taller, a hell of a lot broader, look like a werewolf, and are naked expect for that bit of cloth around your waist. But you're right - it's the hair. Darren Shan
Real life's nasty. It's cruel. It doesn't care about heroes...
Real life's nasty. It's cruel. It doesn't care about heroes and happy endings and the way things should be. In real life, bad things happen. People die. Fights are lost. Evil often wins. Darren Shan
Students never appreciate their teachers while they are learning. It is only later, when they know more of the world, that they understand how indebted they are to those who instructed them. Good teachers expect no praise or love from the young. They wait for it, and in time, it comes. Darren Shan
Her fear was infectious, and though I was too young...
Her fear was infectious, and though I was too young to truly know terror, I felt it in my heart and trembled. Darren Shan
But you're like me, ” he says. “An outsider. Different....
But you're like me, ” he says. “An outsider. Different. A freak. We're both weird, which is why we get along. Darren Shan
Yes?" she asked, eyeing me guardedly. I struck out a hand and said "Shake."Arra stared at the hand, then into my unfocused eyes. "One good fight doesn't make you a warrior, " she said." Shake! " I repeated angrily." And if I don't?" she asked." I'll get back up on the bars and fight you till you do, " I growled. Arra studied me at length, then nodded and took my hand. "Power to you, Darren Shan, " she said gruffly." Power, " I repeated weakly, then fainted into her arms and knew no more till I came to in my hammock the next night. Darren Shan
Humans elect leaders on the basis of the promises they...
Humans elect leaders on the basis of the promises they make. We [vampires] try to elect ours based solely on the strength of their character. Darren Shan
Man wasn't made to share the universe with gods. Darren Shan
It is good to be taught humility when we are young. If we do not exeperience pain as children, we will cause pain as adults. Darren Shan
But I don't think Art's an Einstein - he likes tugging ears, biting people and burping too much to be a genius. Darren Shan
We have the power to bend all men to our whim, but are forever pushing ourselves further, trying to fly higher… and falling. Darren Shan
A world without pain, loss, betrayal, hate, death, loneliness? Impossible! Darren Shan
The thing about real life is, when you do something stupid, it normally costs you. In books the heroes can make as many mistakes as they like. It doesn't matter what they do, because everything works out in the end. They'll beat the bad guys and put things right and everything ends up cool. In real life, vacuum cleaners kill spiders. If you cross a busy road without looking, you get whacked by a car. If you fall from a tree, you break some bones. Real life's nasty. It's cruel. It doesn't care about heroes and happy endings and the way things should be. In real life, bad things happen. People die. Fights are lost. Evil often wins. I just wanted to make that clear before I begun. Darren Shan
Though I’m tempted by the call of the sea, I resist. It can’t claim me. In a way I’m stronger than the waves and I feel good about that. Darren Shan
As long as you’re breathing, your story’s still going. Darren Shan
Destiny's what you make of it. You have to face whatever life throws at you. Darren Shan
The world won't end with a bang or a whimper. It'll end with the death screams of a thousand demons and a defiant, carefree, savage, wolfen howl. Darren Shan
If mankind's destined to bite the bullet, let's bite it and be damned. Darren Shan
A true dreamer must be prepared to make any sacrifice for his dream. Even if it means sacrificing himself. The dream must be everything. (The Cardinal to Capac Raimi) Darren Shan
You do not have to be alone. The world never inflicts loneliness upon us. That is something we choose or reject by ourselves. Darren Shan
The hands of fate keep time on a heart-shaped clock. Darren Shan
Even in death, may you be triumphant Darren Shan
I hope we meet again, " said Ramman."I do too, " Tel Hesani said, then added underneath his breath, "Although I fear it won't be in this world. Darren Shan
You can’t save everyone. It’s not an option. Darren Shan
Leave him alone! " Debbie shouted." Shut up, please, or I'll kill you, " Mr Tiny replied. Darren Shan
He says every story has at least some truth in it, even if most are made up. Darren Shan
I won't die. I won't give those ghouls the pleasure. I'll live and grow strong. I'll escape, then hunt them down and make them suffer. Darren Shan
Ever hear of the phrase, Banging you're head on a brick wall?" Ah, but you forget, Darren, vampires can break brick walls with their heads. Darren Shan
But I also slaughtered you real mother and father. In a moment of mad rage, I took their lives and left you an orphan. If you choose to take my life as a payment for theirs, you will be within your rights and no vampire will hold it against you. Pass judgment on me, Gavner Purl, and let your hand rise or fall as destiny decides it must."- Larten Crepsley Darren Shan
After all, in this world of humans, he was little better than a monster, and what did a monster have to be afraid of in the dark? Darren Shan
It’s one thing to go into a fight knowing you’ll probably lose. Quite another to be told that to win, you must offer up your throat to be slit. Darren Shan
Lovely Arra Sails, nectar to all males, how I'd like to spear you like a whaler spears a whale! Darren Shan
The pair smiled desperately at one another. And for the first time ever, despite the fact that everyone he knew - even the gods themselves - would condemn him for it, Jebel didn't think of Tel Hesani as a slave, but as an equal. Darren Shan
I can give you two words, " I tell him. "The second is off. Can you guess the first? Darren Shan
I don't like it, but my hands are tied. I just want you to know this: if I ever get the chance to betray you, I will. If the opportunity arises to pay you back, I'll take it. You'll never be able to trust me. Darren Shan
The hunger inside us must be fed to be controlled. Darren Shan
Embrace death, dance with it a while, and finally fall prey to it. Darren Shan
The demons were scary, but girls - Well, girls are really terrifying Darren Shan
The world might be going up in flames, but we have to carry on as normal Darren Shan
We cannot help where we are born or how we are raised, " Tel Hesani said. "But we can reject the twisted beliefs of those around us if we need to. Our loved ones and elders don't always know what is best. A man should listen to his heart and make his own decisions about what is wrong and what is right. Darren Shan
Then we still have time! ” I gasp. “It’s not too late. We know what he’s going to do. We’ll return to the cave and figh Darren Shan
I stop reading after half an hour. I’ve had enough. Humanity has hit a brick wall. We’re facing our end, like the dinosaurs millions of years before us. The only difference is we’ve got journalists on hand to document every blow and setback, cataloguing our rapid, painful downfall in vibrant, vicious detail. Personally, I think the dinosaurs had the better deal. When it comes to impending, unavoidable extinction, ignorance is bliss. . Darren Shan
I've never met a politician who didn't deserve to be tossed into a pit full of Kallin, " Beranabus grunts. Darren Shan
I know that no matter how lonely I get, I'll never be truly alone again. Our loved ones don't leave us. They just move out of sight for a while, and wait...in the shades. Darren Shan